EP: 038 Michelle Smith Understanding the Numbers with a Divorce Financial Analyst If you left the more complex issues of financial planning to your spouse during the marriage, navigating the numbers during the divorce settlement process can be incredibly intimidating. You may need considerable time to process any financial proposal brought to the table, and […]
Parenting Strategies to Help Children Thrive Through Divorce with Dr. JoAnne Pedro-Carroll
EP: 035 Dr. JoAnne Pedro-Carroll Parenting Strategies to Help Children Thrive Through Divorce Parents worry about the long-term impact divorce will have on their children. The good news is that two-thirds of the children of divorce are just fine. The bad news is that one-third are, indeed, disadvantaged by long-term problems. What can parents do […]
A Better Way to Divorce Through the Collaborative Model with Sue Brunsting, Esq.
EP: 034 Sue Brunsting A Better Way to Divorce Through the Collaborative Model By 2001, Suzanne Brunsting had been practicing as a matrimonial litigator for 20 years. The more experienced she got, the more difficult and contentious the cases referred to her. Day in, day out, she was witness to the damage endured by families […]
Substance Abuse and the Divorce Process Dr. Ray Griffin
EP: 031 Dr. Ray Griffin Substance Abuse and the Divorce Process Substance abuse often plays a role in the divorce process, either as the catalyst for or the result of conflict in a relationship. How do you go about having your former partner evaluated to ensure their health and safety—and that of your children? Dr. […]
The Myths of Litigated Divorce & the Benefits of Mediation with Sam Margulies
EP: 029 Sam Margulies The Myths of Litigated Divorce & the Benefits of Mediation The parties in a litigated divorce spend years—and tens-of-thousands of dollars—preparing for a trial that is extremely unlikely to happen. This disconnect led to the development of mediation as an option, allowing divorcing couples to work toward settlement without spending unnecessary […]
Understanding Parental Alienation with Charlie Jamison
EP: 027 Charlie Jamison Understanding Parental Alienation Parental alienation is a high-stakes game with serious, long-term consequences for the children involved. When a child is manipulated into showing unwarranted fear or hostility toward the targeted parent and used as a pawn in one parent’s agenda against the other, it alters their sense of reality and […]
Making Divorce Child-Centric with Dr. Eric Frazer
EP: 024 Dr. Eric Frazer Making Divorce Child-Centric In working with divorcing clients, family lawyers develop both legal and financial strategy. But there is a third element to the ‘triad of divorce’—the family. How can we support lawyers in gathering the information they need in the area of child custody? How can we make divorce […]
The Unique Emotional Journey of Divorce with Shireen Meistrich
EP: 022 Shireen Meistrich The Unique Emotional Journey of Divorce Divorce is a difficult emotional journey, regardless of the circumstances. But in most cases, the divorcing partners are in very different places along that journey. The person leaning out has likely been thinking about ending the marriage for a long time, while the other is […]
The Founding Father of Collaborative Divorce with Stu Webb
EP: 019 Stu Webb The Founding Father of Collaborative Divorce In 1990, Minneapolis divorce attorney Stu Webb was burned out and ready to call it a day. He had been practicing family law for 26 years, and he was done with the adversarial nature of litigation. Stu had a plan to quit his law practice, […]
The Emotional Repercussions of Divorce with Elana Katz
EP: 017 Elana Katz The Emotional Repercussions of Divorce Divorce can bring out sides of ourselves we didn’t know were there. Depression is common, as is rage. And many divorcing couples are surprised by these feelings of extreme anger or sadness and isolation. The question becomes, how do you process these emotions and deal with […]